What are tarot cards?
Tarot cards are a divination tool used to give a clear picture of what’s going on in your current situation. It can help you better understand someone's motives or intentions and this can give you clarity on what choice you should make in your life with these individuals. It can be used to give guidance to you from your spirit guides about how they feel it would be best for you to further grow yourself. It can show you what multiple different paths might look like before you decide which one you want to choose. The list goes on as it is a very malleable art form.
Does tarot give you a clear answer?
It depends on the type of questions you’re asking, especially if you’re asking about what choices someone else will make as they have the free will to change their mind the same way you do. When it comes to questions about yourself I find that tarot usually gives pretty clear answers but we may not always be ready to hear it or receive it for what it is. Sometimes your guides may even tell you that now is not the time for the answer you seek because they know inherently who you are and will only reveal a truth to you when they feel you are ready and will make the best possible decision for yourself.
Why have different readers given me different answers to the same questions?
There are many reasons for this the main one being that the future is not set in stone. If it were there would not really be a point in getting a reading in my opinion. Every possible future exists. Readings are meant to help you write your own story by showing you the current path your mindset and choices are leading you down, but also to show you how to move toward a higher and better timeline for yourself if you don’t like the current path you’re on. You have the power to change your mind and therefore change your path.
Is tarot evil?
The short answer is no, tarot itself is just a tool. However, it is important that you consider carefully who you allow to read tarot for you as the energy and intention of that individual when reading for you can have an effect on what guidance you receive. You would not just let anyone walk into your home, and by the same token, you should take great care in whom you select to tap into your spiritual energy.
What are spirit guides?
Every last one of us has a team of spirit guides that have been with us since birth assisting us throughout our life. Your guides are made up of angels, ancestors, gods, goddesses, descendants (Yes I said that right. They want to guide you towards the timeline that will bring them into existence), spirit animals, etc. Their main goal is to help you move toward your best possible timeline. Some guides stay with you your entire journey, and others go after you reach a certain milestone and their job is done. A new guide may even take the old one's place. The truth is, you’ve never been alone, they’ve always been watching over and guiding you.
What can I expect during a reading?
From a reading with me, you can expect a judgment-free zone to ask questions about what ever you need guidance on. I will do my best to provide the highest perspective understanding I can of what ever answers your spirit guides give me.